World Of Warcraft, WoW Hand Armor

Sunday, May 29, 2011

WoWTrader- The EU "Search and Destroy" for your AH!

Those that are "in the know" already know. Those that don't, you are about to find out. Acy, a dedicated EU WoW player has announced a new site that they have started. Now EU players have an opportunity to see what the US has had in The Undermine Journal. 

Upon seeing the site, I contacted Acy to see if there was anything we can do to help this website become a success. After a bit of conversating, I was able to get some great questions for your reading enjoyment. If you are an EU player, I hope that you are as interested in this as I am, and you can help out by uploading your AH scans. Yeah, this means you! So enough of my preampt, here's the interview....

Who are you and what is your site all about?

I'm a WoW player who has been casually been playing since vanilla.
IRL I work in IT in the financial services sector so have an interest
in Trading in both real life and WoW.
wowTrader is a new EU based website that allows people to easily see
price trends and price gaps on World of Warcraft Auction Houses. The
data for the site is currently crowd sourced from Auctioneer data
files stored when doing a full scan of the AH. These files can be
uploaded by any registered user which then get analyzed for prices and
presented in the form of graphs and stats analysis. Once the WoW
armory API is released I will be looking to automate the data
collection direct from them.

I am sure that alot of EU players are willing to help, how do they go about doing it?

As the data is crowd sourced the best way for people to help is to get
registered and upload data files from their server, its a really
simple process and is documented on the upload page. In short, grab
and install auctioneer, do a full quick scan, log out, jump on
wowTrader and upload. The quality of the data on the site is only
currently limited to a resolution of 1 hour, just to keep the amount
of data being stored managable, so the more people that upload data
the better a resource it will be. As soon as a user uploads data for a
server it will become live and can be searched for items.

Please tell us more about the registration....

The primary reason for registering is so that users can build a home
page and set their personal preferences. Currently, registered users
can build a home page with all the items they trade in regularly which
a small graph for each item so you can see at a glance the trending
price for all the items.
A secondary reason is to track uploads, price manipulation is not
beyond the realms of possibility from Auc-ScanData files, tracking who
uploads what means I can keep an eye on any odd data.

What are your plans in the future with the site?

The site at the moment is a bare bones project that simply analyzes
and presents back stats and graphs. Future improvements include:
o Email alerts, triggered on specific price conditions for an item,
once the site sees the item you are tracking selling for more or less
than you specified you can be alerted by email. It is important for me
personally that people realize I hate spam, all emails will be opt in
and must be setup by the user. I will never, ever, use their email for

 Better crafting integration. I plan to be able to let users select
the professions they have and the site tell them which items are most
profitable (and in demand) on their server at the current time. Dynamic graphs, they are currently static and rendered using HTML5,
I would like to improve these so they can be zoomed and scrolled but
currently the resolution of the data doesn't really warrant that.  Code clean up and bug removal, there are definitely a few gremlins
in the works are the moment but most of these just produce crazy error
messages and don't manifest as inaccurate prices.

I hope that gives you an insight on what is happening with this great new addition to help you with your Auction House sales. I look forward to digging into this new site to see all that it has to offer, and keep a lookout for updates and "how to's" coming soon!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Did you Know? Blizzard and Online Tickets

Not sure how many folks actually use this function, as it is fairly "new". Ever open a ticket in game and never get a response, or a generic one at that? I know I have. Reporting online is just as easy as in game, and I am gonna toss you some information on how to do it.

Now I know you are thinking, "This isn't a gold tip Alto", okay, okay. It is and it isn't. I wrote a post on the new changes to the Shuffle, and my 6/36 rule, but there were four other bloggers that hit on the new floor with the vendor changes seen in the PTR.... before I brought the post to life. If you aren't first, you are last....Anyways!

First, you will need to be logged into I normally have a tab open at all times on my 'puter, as it's basically a "remote AH" through there (more on that if you are interested...once again, just holler). Go to TicketHistory and you will see a screen like the pic above. If you don't see it, you aren't logged log in already!

Next, you will see an "Ask A Question" page. In Step 1, you can select what your issue is: Can't log in, something is wrong, issues with account or billing, or reporting your favorite bot/trade spammer/gold seller.

Once you choose a selection, you will then be prompted to add your realm and toon (character) along with a description of what your current issue is.

Please do your best to explain all the goods....I have noticed that the better off you are explaining, the better chance you have to get a "real" response instead of the cut and paste generics that we are used to.

Look below the Description box at the bottom of the page:

The best part about using this "ticket" system is the ability to add a file (i.e Screenshot, Image from a website- Undermine for bots-, or a txt if you really feel like writing a page question).

I hope this helps you in killing off your botters, answering your questions, and/or basically making your day easier when you have an issue in-game.

Like I mentioned above, holler out if you are interested in a post on my 6/36 rule or you can always comment if there is something you are questioning in game and I will do my best to answer explaining the process.

Remember folks, the weekend is upon us, so travel back in time to Feb when I posted this Clearance Sale post explaining a few tips I use to get prepared for upcoming sales. Have a gold filled weekend folks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Question Answered- Book of Glyph Mastery and 4.2.0

No fluff, no buff, all stuff in this post. Short and sweet. There is one upcoming change to the scribes out there that I am focusing on here, and I want to make sure ya'll are in the loop if you haven't heard about it yet....and if you did, well, I am gonna burn it into your head so you remember!

Last night, I had an invite on Skype from one of the fine folks that grabbed up my AH Gold Guide. Core had a question, and after answering, I thought I better hit on it in case there are others out there wondering the same thing. "Ask Alto" is one of the bonuses/perks that come with purchasing the guide- In other words, you ask, I answer. That's customer service there! =)

Core asked about what he should do with his Books of Glyph Mastery since the change is coming where the books are no longer needed. Well, kinda....

The "learned" glyphs will still be taught with the Books, but they are being added into what is estimated to be a daily research "quest", whether it's Northrend Research or a new one all together. Whatever is decided, we are left with a conundrum here....

Part of my answer to Core was a question: Would you rather pay for a book (no cooldown) or do dailies? There are near 50+ glyphs that can be taught by the Book of Glyph Mastery, and when they go to dailies, well.....that's quite a few dailies to get all of them (and they are some of the most "profitable" glyphs out there---for the most part). I think most folks would do a mix of the two to get these glyphs, so there is still a or "want" for the no-cooldown option (notice I didn't mention "need"?).

What am I gonna do? Not a damn thing different than what I am currently doing. No change. I will still flip them, as there are always folks that have more gold than time.

In case you were wondering where and why this is being talked about, here's a little insight: A question Blizzard posted on a Ask the Dev's:

Will you provide a way to speed up the acquiring of glyphs usually acquired through research and glyph books? Glyph books (Book of Glyph Mastery) are hard to come by now that people spend so little time in WotLK content. Furlqt (NA/ANZ), 에르네스트린덴만 (KR), Kånê (EU-ES) 

    Yes. We will be changing the discovery spells so they can teach all possible glyphs, and the books will simply provide a no-cooldown method to do the same thing.

Buy NowNow I didn't want this to turn into a "buy my guide" post, but might as well toss in a plug for it....You can read more about it by going here or clicking the link at the top of the page. Feel safe and all kinds of secure using this. Basically, the only way you can't pay for the guide is with in game gold. Credit Card, Paypal, WU, Discover, even your debit card or ATM works. And of course, if you do have any questions after purchase, you can always holler anytime and get front row service. VIP if you will. =)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's it Worth? Better yet, What's it's Value?

"An item's worth is only what someone will pay"

We hit on this on A2A, Cold and Wes talked about it on  AHJ this last weekend, and it has been in buzz chat since the mount's release. Anytime something 'new' hits, like the new BoE mount, we all start to speculate on pricing....But how do you actually get a starting price?

Looking at a tooltip will only give you as much information as you have data stored. But let's look anyways...

TSM or DBMarket (1) is the most recent price, so you could use that to "figure" a price (although in this case, it's unkown- bad Alto for slacking here). Or, if you keep up on your scans, you might use Auctioneer's tooltip (2). Now this will tell you how many your AH has seen (in this case 19), and what the "simple" auction price is....Right tool, right job?!

I still get a kick outta this item....I still think something cheesy should be added, like "A girls best friend" or something of that sort.

Now lets look at TheUndermineJournal. Easy to search. On the main page, you can go to the search tab and type in your Reins of Poseidus. Scroll down to the middle'ish of the page, and look at the "snowfall" screen.

Here, you can mouse over any of the "snowflakes" to see prices and server info (alot of folks don't know this, but the left of the screen is low pop, the right is high pop servers- obviously up and down is prices). This is probably the best judge of finding a "starting price" if your server has not seen a specific item.

Now, onto blogs and/or "wow knowledge-based" websites. Since there are more "server" specific ways to judge starter prices, I do not recommend this way unless absolutely necessary. If you really feel the need, wowhead, wowwiki, or mmochamp will have fairly updated info- READ THE COMMENTS! That will help you more than the actual prices. Yeah, it might take a few minutes, but is a few minutes worth 10's of thousands of gold?

With that being said, those are just a few options you can use to reference your items "worth" or "value". Using any of those tools you have in your "wow" shed can be great, but is it the right tool for the job?

I was talking with a fellow blogger earlier when she mentioned the price of Poseidus on her server. This reminded me...I saw one on the AH a few days back, added the "seller" to my friends list, and forgot about it. Till now. I log in, see that he is on, and within a few clicks of my AH search, he pops in trade selling the Reins for 75K. I immediately send him a tell, and offer 40K (the price that I will pay, not what he is selling for).

Now some folks would say that was a complete and utter lowball (think of this in smaller terms)... A stack of Twilight Jasmine is offered in trade for 75g, and you offer 40g. Normally, you will get laughed at for the lowball, and if you are lucky, an ignore from the seller. But....

To my surprise, there was ZERO negotiation. Nothing but a "ok". So I instantly invited him to group, went over to meet him, and completed the trade. Good deal? Or bad? Hmmm....

What does this mean the 'worth' is on the Reins? 40K? What's it's Value? 85K? Not sure, as that is what I reposted for. Will it sell? Only time will tell. I know that the AH takes 5%, so, in all reality, I can sell it for around 42K and break even (if selling in the "local" AH).

Do you use a "price finder" different than what I have listed above? How do you determine the value on a "never before seen" item on your server? Or is it just a "guesstimate"?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stockpiling for 4.2 - - - - Through Questing?

So with a decent sized storm hitting us right now, tornado sirens going off, DirecTV glitching (as usual) and everything watched on Netflix that was worth watching (Free for All is hilarious btw), I decided to search a bit on 4.2. What I came across from a Blue Post was intriguing to say the least....

Hopefully you can see that, if not, you can check the forums here for the actual post....c'mon back when you are done reading it....

Did you see the same thing that I did?

you'll need be level 85 and already completed enough quests in Mount Hyjal to have reclaimed the Regrowth area

So what Blizz announced, or not really announced, is that you need to complete quests to even get into Firelands? Sounds vaguely familiar....Ok, let's get a bit further into what is out there...Patch 4.2 Preview, a Blizz video (below), and a bunch of comments everywhere. But frankly, I am basically as lost now as I was an hour ago when I started writing this post....

So I read through them, and cannot find anything on current quests needed other than "Reclaiming the Regrowth" quest and a spattering of Mark of the World Tree currency for dailies completed....

So with all the info out there, what conclusion did you come to? Are you on your way back to Mount Hyjal to complete every single quest there? Or this "reclaim" quest that isn't there yet?....dun, dun, dun.....or is it?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

WoW Tabards? You want em? Look no Further!

Earlier last week, I posted on a few of my favorite sites to search for information on WoW Pets and WoW Mounts. One of the comments led me to this post you are reading now. WoW Tabards. There are a bunch out there, some used for looks, some used for Guild Reputation, or plain ol' reputation in dungeons.

Whatever your need, I am gonna cover some great sites to get you to where you need to go. First off, Wowwiki is a great source. Probably the #1 site for information on tabards. Well written, overall great info....

The next site is more for the "I want it now. I don't want to scroll through pages of info....reading? Bah. It's for the birds". WoWTabards is what you want, and what you need. A very easy search function on the main page:

Under the "Guide" page, you can see multiple options: Design Tools is the favorite here, so check it out!

One last point on WoW tabards is the search function...very simple (links below for the extremely lazy):
City Reputation
TCG- more on this below

Now I want to hit on TCG mounts (i.e Trading Cards), and if you can't find them on your Auction House, I would only go to one spot. The only issue? Real life money. But if you have IRL "gold", then rock TCG Loot. *Not an affiliate link...straight to the site.

Anything that comes outta a pack of cards, you can and will find it here.

Hope this helps all you tabard searchers, and if there is something that you are searching for that I haven't talked about, holler out! Odds are I got a place for you to go! Oh, and if the Rapture hits, well, you can still read me for 40 days, so keep posted!

And.....we just recorded another podcast, hit up A2A (Addicted 2 Azeroth) to listen to the ramblings of myself, Sinku, and Chris - a few folks also joined in this week, you might know them from their gold blogs, Gimp and Flux!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Treasure Potion Trash Dash" Entry for PW:G

Flux over at PowerWord:Gold decided to toss a contest out to all the folks that wanted to take a challenge. Always loving a contest, I rocked one of my favorite farming spots....Ascendant's Rise in Hyjal.

Now this contest gave me interest.... Nothing about goldmaking, nothing about your AH, it's all about two things. One, you need to use a Potion of Treasure Finding. Two, you have to vendor everything (well, at least get the vendor pricing) for all that you get from mobs. 

So I broke down and did it. I used my rogue, but.....I didn't pickpocket on this run, although I originally thought about it, but due to the "return" on time, I decided not to.....For once, I actually farmed non-stop, no rest, no smoke breaks, no beer breaks. Not even a drink. Non-stop farming. And I was pleasantly surprised with the results.....

First off, I never picked this many Tiny Treasure Chests in an hour (21). Never. The rest of the drops seemed around normal. One thing.....In the midst of the hour, I never had to reset my slice and dice. Not once. Non-stop.....

The numbers to the right is just the loot dropped. Not factoring in any Tiny Treasure Loot, as that pic is below. Vendoring everything that dropped, I cleared just over 221g.

Remember, this does not count the gold looted from the mobs (which ended up at 147.5g in case you were wondering- and no blue or epix dropped, just greenies).

Here is the loot from the Tiny Treasure Chests that I picked up:

So to Flux and fellow contestants, my total for the entry is: 296g10s58c

In case you are wondering where, what route, or if my drops are correct, or worse case just want to see Alto running around killing mobs at 8X speed, take the next 8 minutes to see 60 minutes of farming...."Speedy Gonzales Style"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Juicy 4.2 PTR Profession Changes - Hallow's End and Brewfest Updates

MMO Champion just announced some new changes to 4.2 PTR:

A few major changes in Inscription, Jewelcrafting and Leatherworking. To read more, please refer to: PTR BUILD 14133




They are updating as I am posting this, so there might be more or less, give and take. As always, these are just datamined, so they are subject to change....


WoWHead has also added their two cents on the PTR:

WoW Mounts- The "Know it All" Site....Did I mention it's FREE?

Earlier this week, I posted on a great website for WoW Pets, and now I am hitting up the only spot you need to go to for your mounting needs.

Similar to Warcraft Pets, Warcraft Mounts has a great search function that will allow you multiple ways to find the mount you are looking for....Ally? Got it. Horde? Yup. Requirements? Yup. Multiple Riders? Got that function too. BoE? BoP? Accound Bound? That too. Very simple to use....

Once again, extremely similar to Warcraft Pets, there is a slot for "new" mounts.

The latest and greatest are 4.1, and of course, upon clicking on them, it will tell you the source location as well as any notes (if you don't feel there is enough information there, you can always hit up WoWhead, and remember, READ THE COMMENTS as there are [sometimes] some great tips there). 

Now if you are farming them, you might want to venture over to a previous post on the addon NPC Scan (especially for Posedius). For those that have not used it, the addon is great, you get all kinds of noise when a rare drops in "eyesight", a pic of the mob (to help you find it), the name of the mob, and instant "mark". If you don't have it, and you actually leave Stormwind or Org, this is a must have. Pics? Okay...

Well, now you have a few more sites that you can add to your favorites lists. Holler out if there is a specific "howda, whereda" that you are having questions about.

You might have noticed that the last few posts are a bit shorter than most. I am once again trying to squeeze the fluff outta them, and be more consise and to the point. Better? Worse? Let me know in comments!

Remember, you don't need blogs to get your information. There are an absolute ton of websites that are out there, you just need to look. Or, just keep tabs here, and sooner or later, I will show you the goods. =)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Alto's Got Himself Crabs?! One Stop Pet Shop for Warcraft Pets!

Well, I shouldn't say "crabs", as I have only one.... This post is going to cover a great website with all the info you need to know about pets in WoW, for money or for Achievements. Although some may know about this site, those that don'e really need to check them out. This week, I will also be covering a great spot to find mounts as keep an eye out! Now, back to what you came for.....

With my luck lately farming up the Formula: Crusader, I went to Terrokar Forest to fish up a PITA (pain in the ass) that has plagued me for some time. The dreaded and infamous Mr. Pinchy.

Five Highland Mixed Pools later, I got him. Now I didn't factor in back in BC how many times I tried fishing him up (probably in the mid to upper 500 times), but if you are feeling lucky, and want to check it out, let's roll. Not sure if there was a change to the droprate since 4.1.0, or if there was just a hotfix to Alto's droprates, but either way, it just seemed a bit too easy....

Fly to Terokkar Forest, there is a little spot in the lower right side of the map labeled "Terokk's Rest" (you can see the coords above, 67.8, 79.7). There are around 10'ish pools that spawn there, and basically when you start at one side, just hit the circle and by the time you get em all, the first ones are starting to respawn.

So after my tremendous luck there, I went to an old website that I used to venture to search a bit. The site that I am hitting on is WarcraftPets. The absolute only location you need for any pet in the wonderful game of WoW. Now what I mean by "any pet", is just....well.....see for yourself. In the pic below, there is a great search tab if you want to resell, farm, search by dropped, quested, or Blizz bought. Faction search? Yeah, it's there. Rarity? That too. They have em all, big and small.

Ok, ok. You don't want an ugly pet. I feel your pain. You want to see what is available.

Well, the folks at WarcraftPets got you covered...there is a "new" pet page that you can venture to. Wondering what "popped" in 4.1?  The Screenie to the left is the 4.1 page, and with a bit of searching there, you can see the same thing.

Now the last time I saw this site, it was nothing like it is now. Very easy to use, very easy to find great info on what you are looking for.

They even have added an addon section for anything from PetsPlus to BunnyHunter (which shows you how many times you looted "X" mob to get your drop- it's kinda like looking at your /played on your main....scary).

Instead of a "BoW WoW" post, I am going through some of my favorites lists this week and sharing with you some great websites that cover some great schtuff. Like I mentioned above, I will cover another favorite site of mine for mount hunting later this week. Now go getcha Crabs already!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Angry Black Sheep of Gold Blogs- You Will Be Missed

A great blogger has moved on. Those that know him or know of him, Stokpile has recently left the building.

I am really bothered by this. Not that he has found a better game (Rift) than WoW, not that he announced his "retirement", but for his readers. There is no one that has his style. There is no one that can compare. I have come up with a love and hate relationship with Stok. He is extremely adamant about any points that he made. So much so that some posts continued for days.

If you aren't aware of Stok (you probably havent' heard of Geico live under a rock, or what?), here are a few recent posts that I enjoyed. Take the time and check them out....

This one is a Random Screen Shot Collection....

Some great inside information for Bloggers- New and Old.....

Great starter "how to" for the new AH'er.......

The New Player versus a Noob......

And, last but not least.....There's a reason he named himself Stokpile.....

Now I would like to say that these posts are over a lifetime of reading his blog. They aren't. They are all recent. That is the quality of the writer here. He had one of the most basic, ad free sights. All that was there is content. Very few pictures, and as an ADHD mind-riddled person, I still read every sentence of his posts. Probably one of the few bloggers that I would read the post more than once (since Markco), just to make sure that I got it all in.

Stok, you will be missed. You just left a void in the WoW Blogosphere that will-not and can-not be reproduced.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Flipping Your Own Mysterious Fortune Cards- For A Profit?

The other night, I received an email. Now I usually get a few a day, but they are more about asking questions like “what do I do in this situation” or “the price of X is 50g, is it worth flipping?” and so on and so forth. I really enjoy answering them, so keep em coming! But this one stuck out....kinda like a sore thumb. Almost like Netherweave Bags. MFC's have been talked about alot since we first saw them, but in this email, I saw some things that you all should know...

Nithrius (Order of Entropy- Wyrmrest Accord) loves stats. Almost as much as I do.  After talking with him, I found out that the email was answering a question from a previous post I had, The New WoW Crack (Dec 17th). Alot of folks have made a ton of money on them, and well, they will continue doing so for some time. Enough with my blah, blah, blah, let's get to some numbers.....

Nithrius started out using Cinderbloom. At 20-28g per stack, he decided to buy around 6 pages worth (217 stacks). One of the sickening numbers he had was that he purchased 505g worth of Resilient Parchment. Now I thought I have bought a ton of them, but I guess I never realized how much I spent....staggering, huh? Anyways, back to the guts:

Cinderbloom: 217 Stacks
Total Spent: 5520g on Herbs- 505g for Parchment

Yield: 1209 Blackfallow Ink

Totals in MFC's:

10s: 637
50s: 267
1g: 187
5g: 88
20g: 20
50g: 4
200g: 5
5000g: 1 - (In case you were wondering, he stated it was #839/1209)

Total: 8224.2g

What? You don't believe a 5K? Screen Shot or it didn't happen, right?

Here is what interests me. Not only did he luck out on the RNG, but he got the 5K Card. Not only did he "waste" 5.5K for this experiment.....but he actually profited. 2.7K gold. Now before you mention "It's RNG" or "A thousand cards doesn't correctly predict the outcome".....well, he did it again, because he was feeling the same thing.

2800g - 137.5 stacks 
4000g - 223 stacks
743g  - Resilient Parchment

10s x 944
50s x 333
1g  x 262
5g  x 151
20g x 43
50g x 3
200g x 2
1000g x 0
5000g x 0

End results of both tests:
12,320g on herbs
1,248 on parchment (ouch!)

2947 cards flipped

10s x 1581           53.6478%
50s x 600           20.3597%
1g  x 449           15.2358%
5g  x 239        8.1099%
20g x 63        2.1378%
50g x 7            0.2375%
200g x 6        0.2036%
1000g x 1        0.0340%
5000g x 1        0.0339%

Vendor sale price total: 10,912.1g
Total 'Earned':          -2655.9g

Is that better? 2.6K loss make you feel better? see the .0339%? That isn't 3% folks. That would be three outta one hundred. That isn't .3 percent, or three out of one thousand. That's .03%, or three outta TEN THOUSAND. Now these do not take a math major to figure out, and the might not be 100% accurate, but they do give you an idea....If you are thinking about flipping your own cards, unless you bribe Blizzard somehow for a decent drop, you are way better off selling them. 

Thanks to Nithrius for taking the time and gold for this project, I am sure that with all the inks that he bought, his server is feeling the pain. I can only imagine if he sold the actual cards how much he would have got....well, let's check that quick now that I am thinking of it....

10.18g per on Horde side= 28,500g (with 5% AH cut taken out)
17.5g on Alliance side= 48,993g (with 5% AH cut taken out)

I think C&C Music Factory said it best......Things that make you go mmmm.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Horrible Blogs. Horrible Information. Horrible Post.

I do want to warn you that there are some words in this post that are not "politically correct". For the layman, I swear a bit. If that bothers you, please don't read any farther. I will get back to posting tomorrow. This is me just venting on my blog. Nothing too important.

I do have a guest post coming tomorrow. Let me tell you, if you are into Mysterious Fortune Cards......I am talking 1200+ flipped MFC's, and you are into details and numbers, this is a must read for you. So skip this post and c'mon back tomorrow. =)

So if you are looking for a gold post, I got nothing for you today. Today is a similar being to a post I did a while back, Alto vs. WoW Blogging.

Being a writer of a blog is work. It's a second...even third job if you will. Those that know me, know I am not full of shit (well, I guess it's all in how you see it). If I am pissed about something, I tell you. I don't tell folks behind their back what I wouldn't say to their face. Like it or not, thats who I am. Whether it's Alto [here] or Jer [outside of the community], thats how I was raised. I have got in many a fistfight over me being like this, I have pissed off way more people than I can even count.

But......on the same token, I have saved alot of fights, and I have made a lot of friends being this way. I guess the good thing is, you don't have to guess how I feel about something. I say it like I see it. Once again, like it or not, it's who I am.

I got jacked earlier. Well, actually, it was last night. A widely popular wow site mentioned how the decay of the WoW Gold Blogs has deteriorated to basically dumpster diving. Now those weren't the exact words, but that's how I read them. After time, there were comments made, and I am not sure if that changed my perspective....but it did get me thinking.

I am disgusted too. Back in Oct 2010, I started this blog. At the time, I had 5 blogs on my blogroll, and that was basically "the community" that I knew about. Now? 46 blogs. Just on my blogroll. And I usually add one each week through a contact in email. Back in the day (I say that like it's a long time ago), I knew who the authors were. I knew they were legit (or not). Now, with so many folks adding their two cents (or four, or eight) on every single change that happens, it causes issues. Multiple posts (see the Crusader Enchant) cause multiple problems. I didn't post on it first, but I didn't dedicate a post to it either. Yeah, it was added into one post, I said my two cents (linking where I heard it from) and went on. I guess once again it's like the news. You can only hear so much before you change the rant inc.....

God forbid that I worked with a very well known gold blog updating a guide. God forbid that I joined another blogger in a project. God forbid that I made a gold guide myself. Jeebus.Haters around just to hate. Some can't help it, as it is how they were raised. But if you have issues with what I do, let me know personally. And grow some balls, would ya? Don't post on peoples blogs as anonymous bitching about how bad they are, or what they did wrong.

We spend alot of time making posts that we feel is relevant to people. You people. "You" as in our readers. Yeah, sometimes we jack up the information. You know what? Correct us when we make a mistake. Tell us we are wrong. But you know what? TELL US THE RIGHT WAY. Dont just bitch about how we are not correct in our post, tell us WHY. Tell us the correct way to do it. Or fuck off. Is that direct enough for you?

You might be smarter than me. In fact, you probably are. You might have more gold/experience/achievement points/stockpile/etc than me. Cool! Congrats! Help me help others! Use your comments for good instead of for shit! You see where I am going here?

The next hit that bothered me is a blogger recently wrote about a program that is fairly new to the WoW scene. The author blasted him saying he was basically a dumbass. Now to each his/her own, but I would have responded differently. I would have said "There is confusion about setting this up, XXXX posted about it recently, and in case anyone else had issues, here is the best and easiest way to do it". But once again, everyone is different.

There was also a war last week, which you all know about. Twitter, Blogposts, etc. Wanna know my opinion? Blah. Period.

Now today. I missed out on much of it, but there was something about a post with a link to someones blogpost about something and that they were wrong. Of course, there was a mini war. I think it got cleared up, and I don't know the whole scoop, but blah, blah, blah. This shit is happening way to much lately.

Too much competition with "pageviews". Too much "I wrote about it first". Too much "I am better than everyone". Too much everything. I guess I don't care about the size of my epeen. I am still just as happy as the day I started blogging. I am here to help people. I want to give people a place to go to read good content, with writing that is [fairly] easy to read, and to even get a laugh once in a while in this community of waaay to serious folks.

Talk your shit, but man up and tell me in person. Don't hide. Show respect and you will get respect. If you don't like that I am selling a guide, deal with it. I am, and it's helped alotta folks make gold. Did they pay for it? Sure they did. If you don't like that I also Coach people? Deal with it. It might not be for you, or you might have another reason. Am I in it for the money? Depends. Do you go work your 9 to 5 for the money? Would you work for free? Are you on salary, getting paid for 40 hours, but do extra?

I blog for free. For a while I made about 100 bucks a month from ads/affiliate links, etc. Break that down. At about 2 hours a post (between writing, pics, links, checking and answering comments, etc.), 30 days a month, I got about a buck and a half per hour. Ibet Ethiopians can get more rice per hour than that. My coaching? Sure. I make a bit more there. My guide? Decent money as well. I get paid for my time. Oooooh. Big secret there. Need a coach? hire me. Need a guide? buy mine. Want good information on gold making free? Visit my blog. Simple as that. Think my blog is shit? Don't read it. Take me off your blogroll.....another rant incoming....

But you know what? Don't take my posts and don't link to me. For that, you are an asshole.Don't take the information that you learned from me and claim it as your own. That doesn't sit well with me. It's something I see time and time again. Now I do my best to link to other blogs with similar posts. I have killed off posts due to them being too similar to someone elses post. If I don't link to your post, it's due to your post didn't tell me shit, and I am telling the correct story. Do I blast you for it? Nah. I just didn't link to your shitty post. Easy as that.

Are you done hearing my little bitch session? I hope so. I am tired of writing. Fingers are starting to cramp. What's that called? Carpal Thummel? Yeah. I got it.

You know what? After re-reading this and highlighting here and there, I realized something...This is a horrible blog. This has horrible information. It is a horrible post. But you know what? It felt good writing it...

For my last "going away present" for those that read this post: 

To all you bloggers that think they are better than me, you probably are. To those that think I am better than you, I am probably not. For those that talk shit about anyone and everyone behind their backs and won't do it to their face? Two words. Fuck off.  With a smiley face.... =)

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