World Of Warcraft, WoW Hand Armor

Friday, June 3, 2011

Darkmoon Faire- Elwynn Forest This Week

I know, I know. Darkmoon Faire. And this month, it's in the wonderful land of Elwynn Forest. But you already knew that, right? For all the scribes out there, this is one of the best weeks for selling. Read on, young Grasshopper...

Now depending on your server, this is something that you all need to watch for. Not only watching single card prices, but "Turn-in Decks" and "Actual Decks" are what we are focusing on...kinda like a "D- All of the Above" situation.

Take some time this week and watch prices if you are unfamiliar with the fluctuations in the market during the Faire. A great way that I learn my server is through Auctionator Shopping Lists. I have a set list that I use for Cataclysm Decks. If you haven't used this addon or haven't used it's options, this is the time to learn how.....

First off, you will need to go to the Buy Tab (1) on your Auctionator Addon within your Auction House Screen. Next, add a New Shopping List (2): In this case, I labeled it Darkmoon Card (3). Now, under the list I already have (5), you can add in these in the search pane (4).  Upon writing the item in the search (for instance Darkmoon Card- (4)), you will see it drop to the window (6), then after you click add item (7), it will drop over to your shopping list. Easy enough? Good.

Now you have a few options. You can either open your shopping list and click individually on each, or you can click the "Search for All Items" (below the Add Item (7)) and everything on your list will pop up. Even easier? Thought so.

Now buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell! Once again, make sure you are on a 48 hour auction, make sure that you either A. have a stockpile of mats or B.) watch herb prices (as they fluctuate quite a bit during this upcoming week). Now craft, post, sit back and enjoy the sales coming in!


Martz said... Reply To This Comment

I wish I would have been more prepared for this. I sold the crap out of Rogue's Deck and made a few quick gold. Should have double the price with no competition. Didn't realize you cold make that much gold with just lower level inscription.

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