As the title suggests, there are always folks that have problems downloading and playing in the PTR, and 5.0.1(4) will have no exceptions. Currently, if you have access to Pandaria Beta, you are not able to log-in to the PTR for reasons assumed.
*Previous Post on PTR Notes and Live Info
However, for the folks that aren't sure how, here's a little tutorial:
1. Go to the Character Account [Copy} Page in
a. Now copy the character you would like to mirror (play on test)
2. While that is processing (a few minutes to an hour max), you will want to download the PTR:
3. Depending on your internet speed, you might just want to go do something ride a horse, go fishing, shopping, or swim with the sharks.....
4. Now open your WoW Launcher and go to Public Test (PTR):
5. Enter your Account Information, password, and add your Authenticator.
6. GO PLAY PTR! AoE loot! And all the other goodies you can getcha hands on!
7. Wait two weeks for release date announcement
8. Go to gamestop, WalMart, Amazon and pre-order your Collector's Edition (or just use your bucks to purchase auto download with all that cash you raked in from D3 RMAH!
9. Stop reading this. You are done. I have nothing else to say.
10. Really? Why are you still reading? Oh. You are having issues. Holler in comments and I will walk you through it. =)
There was just a comment left about WoW1 and WoW2 access. Here are the screens that are showing WoW1 is locked out for Beta users:
For what it's worth, even if you have beta access, you should be able to sign in to PTR if there was already a PTR thing on your account from a previous one.
The beta and PTR are using the same client this time around. Now, when you go to log in to the beta, there should be a drop-down box below your e-mail address. Mine says WoW1 and WoW2, but this can vary depending on if you have multiple licenses on the same account. WoW2 gets me to the beta servers, WoW1 gets me to the PTR servers, and I can log onto both just fine.
Spot on! My WoW1 and WoW2 are listed the same as yours....are you sure you can get into WoW1 without locked status? I updated the post with screenies I receive upon login.
Tailswish, you have commented quite a few times, are you on twitter?
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