With all the issues folks have, getting stuck on "Updating Setup Files" where the download would stick at 10%, then 32%, then 40%, etc was the one that I had problems with from the beginning.
FYI, THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE! It just happens to be April 1st, and I wouldn't do that to you guys!
After deleting and restarting 8 times, and being hesitant to call Blizz and bitch about it (knowing there is an easy hour plus wait time), I decided to look around the internets to find a fix. I did it so you don't have to....see? That's how much I love you folks!
Please go through each step I list in order, and if you have done Step 1, then go to step two. If you have done Step 2, go down the list. If you skip a step, you might have issues still. Follow them all, and you are good to go!
One thing before we get started....kill your firewall on your computer and try to download again (just remember to reset it after download is completed). This is the first issue that falls on folks. If you are running multiple anti-virus programs, stop them for the time being. After the download is complete, don't forget to allow the antivirus to run properly! Blizzards specs on patches/etc can be very picky, and by doing this you completely eliminate the issue with this causing the error.
Another quick test is CTRL-ALT-DEL and check if you already have a background Agent.exe running. If so, kill it off, and try downloading again.
Now delete your "World of Warcraft Beta Setup icon (once again, it's the .exe file). You can find this by going to START and search for World of Warcraft Beta folder. Go ahead and delete the icon (only the icon) and at the battle.net site (where you get the beta download) when you pick the windows icon and the save window pops up, use DESKTOP. Now, right click and run as administrator.
This means that you got the "Updating Setup Files" freeze screen. Let's do another step...
Now it's gonna get a bit interesting, but bear with me...
First, we need to have access to see hidden files on your 'puter. Most Windows applications will allow you to go to START- CONTROL PANEL- APPEARANCE AND PERSONALIZATION- FOLDER OPTIONS
Then go to the VIEW tab and make sure the button at "Show hidden files and folders" is clicked. Apply, then ok.
Now, find your World of Warcraft Beta folder again. It is probably in your C: Program Files, but might be elsewhere. What we are doing now is renaming your battle.net folder to battle.net1 (to rename it, right click, go down the list to RENAME, then just add a 1 at the end). Simple huh?
Remember Step 2? Delete your .exe icon, go to battle.net again, get a new one. Right click, Run as Administrator, and rock on!
Not sure why this makes a difference, but it does..../shrug
You should be able to download again at this point. If there is still an issue (god forbid), please restart your computer....
One more fix.....but it'll work....
In the OPTIONS- DOWNLOADER PREFERENCES (found on the upper left of the screen shown)- Enable/Disable P2P Transfer and try it again. This will slow your download, but is the end all/be all fix.
Green Launcher Icon. Find this icon, right click, and move the icon to your desktop for easy launch of Beta.
Daaas it! Let it download away, and getcha self into BETA BABY!
Well. For me didn't worked. I feel bad because I tryed over 9 times and it don't want to work. I don't know what I did wrong. I can't see the button run as administrator. Maybe because I have a computer different than yours? I got windows 7 vista.
Good thing, yes, yet my Beta Setup after few "Updates Check" shuts itself down ): What should I do? Each time, all the same ):
Please follow the steps above, and if you are still having issues, add my on skype (altosgoldishadvice) and I can walk you through the process this evening.
I have tried all of the above, and STILL it does not work.
I do not have a save on desktop option when I download.
can you walk through this with me on skype? im now having this issue, could use a walk through.
What do you mean Click DESKTOP in step 2?
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