World Of Warcraft, WoW Hand Armor

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

4.3 and Pyrite Ore.....Why Sell?

Hey folks!

There has been quite a bit of talk and banter about what to do with all your Pyrite Ore stock.

I have been sitting on a few tabs since the beginning of Cata with a speculation that they would prospect into Epic Gems. Or even a form of Pyrite (Pyrium) Powder similar to Titanium Powder as we have seen in the past.

Will it happen upon 4.3 launch? Maybe. Maybe not. But in my heart of hearts, I think that Blizz has an underwriting plan to deplete the mass of Pyrite Ore that is in many folks bags/banks. Are you gonna be the one on your server that keeps em? I know I will be.

Am I right? Am I wrong? Well, it all depends on how you think. I have always speculated in this game when I decided to stockpile anything, and it isn't going to stop until I kill of my WoW account. I can be wrong a hundred times, and as long as I am right once, it makes it worth it to me.

So have you killed off your stockpile? Prospected, sold, crafted, etc?

It's been a few months in one of my banks, whats a few more months? Of course we have been told by the almighty Ghostcrawler that they aren't giving up epic gems in 4.3, but what about a hotfix 4.3.145? Or 4.3.2?

Or what other options are going to be available with this Ore? Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting, Smelting, etc.....?

Keep your options open, and you won't have to scramble last minute when you hear about "The new Million Gold Option" using Pyrite, and you kick yourself in your ass 'cuz you didn't keep any.

That's all. Keep an open mind, folks.


Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

My thoughts exactly! They could obviously see everyone was stockpiling.

Vile said... Reply To This Comment

They came up with the gems will come from raids only, well just wait till those 40ish % of the people that play PvP roar and start with the deafening QQ on the forums how they need to have a way to obtain the gems as well and that's when we see patch 4.3.01 introducing ... "drumroll" epic gems come from pyrite or some other thing like that.

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